The Sisyphean Struggle: Why Our Homes Are Like Clean Laundry

While most of us are well aware that when you buy a home you are signing up to regular maintenance whether that be DIY or hiring in professionals.

Residz Team 2 min read

While most of us are well aware that when you buy a home you are signing up to regular maintenance whether that be DIY or hiring in professionals. However, what about the everyday task of just keeping a home clean.

Ah, the joy of a sparkling clean home. The sunbeams dance on #dust-free surfaces, the air smells fresh, and that indescribable sense of accomplishment washes over you. But hold on, just as you sink into that clean-induced euphoria, a tiny dust bunny rolls past, reminding you – the battle never truly ends. Those in the tropics have an especially heavy burden with mould growth on just about everything in what seems like a few days since you last cleaned. #cleaninglife #neverendingchores

Yes, keeping a house clean feels a lot like the myth of Sisyphus, forever pushing a boulder uphill, only to have it roll back down. We #dust, we #vacuum (floors, skirting boards, even the forgotten depths of #wardrobes!), our arms ache from wiping down endless rows of kitchen cupboards, and the bathroom gleams with the promise of #germ-free bliss. But then, a stray sock escapes the laundry basket, a rogue crumb defies the vacuum, and the whole cycle begins anew.

Let's not forget the outdoor warriors – the valiant hoses that tame dusty #pathways and #driveways, the pressure washers that wage war on grimy patios, and the ladders that grant us access to fight the grime clinging to #exteriorwalls. #Gutters become battlegrounds, overflowing with leaves and debris, conquered only to be refilled by the wind's treachery. And let’s not forget those poor souls who own swimming pools!

Then there are the hidden enemies: the lurking mould in shoes banished to the back of the closet, the forgotten corners of the #fridge that harbour unspeakable things, the #airconditioner filters silently choking on dust bunnies. Even the bastions of culinary creation – the ovens and #hotplates – require a relentless scrubbing to banish the evidence of delicious meals past.

But here's the secret: It doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing battle. The key is to develop a cleaning strategy, a special ops mission for your home. Break down the tasks into manageable chunks – daily quick pick-ups, weekly deep cleans, and seasonal assaults on the outdoor grime (hello Spring cleaning). Delegate where possible (hello, family!), and most importantly, embrace the small victories. A gleaming countertop, a sparkling window – these are your trophies in the never-ending war for cleanliness.

Remember, Sisyphus may have been condemned to an eternity of toil, but we are not. We can find moments of satisfaction in the process, create routines that make it less daunting, and ultimately, enjoy the haven of peace a clean home provides. So, grab your cleaning supplies, soldier, and let's fight the good fight – together, one dust bunny at a time. #cleaninghacks #cleaningmotivation #homemaintenance